Women Are More Talkative Than Men

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You’ve probably already heard about how women talk a lot and are constantly looking for ways to initiate a conversation. While women may deny it, it is actually the truth. Researchers have found that women have higher level of foxp2 protein. It has also been claimed that women speak about 20,000 words a day, 13000 more than the average man and scientists say a higher amount of foxp2 protein is the reason why women are usually chattier than men. Foxp2 is known as the “language protein” it has been found that women have 30% more of the foxp2 protein than men. Some researchers say that girls learn to speak earlier and more quickly than boys. After their birth, they are able to utter their first words and sentences much earlier and have a better vocabulary. Girls also have a clearer ability to explain various topics in various ways.

Some people assume that chattier people are much more interesting and have loads of questions to ask. Quite often, people assume that being talkative means you have developed speaking skills and are much more intelligent than those who choose to remain quiet and listen. We usually think that if a woman talks, it means that she has something constructive to say and that she has the confidence to voice out her opinion, making her smarter and intelligent. But this is not the case. According to me, quiet women have several advantages over talkative ones. Less talk gives the brain more time to relax while women who are talkative use their brain nonstop. So if you talk, talk and talk all the time, you are using up all your precious energy and have no time to renew the ‘operating system’ inside your head. Staying quiet refreshes the mind and gives one the power to make good decisions.

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Just because a person does not talk much, it does not simply mean that they are shy, they are introverted. Shyness and being an introvert are two different things. Shy women are afraid of being judged by others whereas introverts simply find pleasure in living in their own beautiful worlds. They may appear lonely but it does not mean that they do not have friends and do not like to be in a circle of friends.

I have personally witnessed that talkative women are mostly focused on their speech and on themselves but less talkative women notice the things around them. They think about the world in general and can see various aspects of life in more details. A quiet woman will never reveal what’s in her mind and that creates an aura of mystery. They are good listeners and absorb all the available information and turn it into knowledge. Chatterboxes (talkative women) often ignore the most important things which they hear because they speak even when it’s time to listen. These things make quiet women smarter than chatterboxes (talkative women). There are so many hadiths that discourage us from speaking excessively. Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) said “Speak only when your words are more beautiful than silence.”

Written by: Zona Yaseen


47 thoughts on “Women Are More Talkative Than Men

  1. Wow what a topic 🖒 And I’m agree with you Zona Personally I hate talking,talking and talking and like to keep silent but that doesn’t mean that I’m always used to be silent or shy. I’m talking when there is some reason not to prate all the time 😂


  2. Good work Zona! Staying silent really does have more benefits in some cases. One does not always have to prove their ignorance


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