A Hidden Gem: Lale-i Rumi

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Have you ever tasted delicious Turkish foods? Perhaps, you have some Turkish friends or have visited a party where you may have gotten the chance to taste them. When I first moved to Karachi, I would always crave for my favorite Turkish dishes. Though, I can prepare most dishes by myself, I still long the authentic taste of home cooked meals that my mother would make. The Turkish cuisine is very complex and is not widely eaten or found in Pakistan. Because of its unique flavors and intricate techniques, you cannot easily find Turkish traditional foods everywhere, plus these foods are very difficult to cook. As a Turkish person living in Pakistan,I really miss my country, citizen and  of course, the food. To get over our nostalgia, my friends and I often gather to cook together.

However, finding the right ingredients becomes a problematic a task so sadly, it becomes quite difficult for us to recreate the same dishes. Fortunately, we were able to find an adorable Turkish restaurant by the name of  Lale-i Rumi in Defence, Karachi. When we first found out about this restaurant, my friends and I were all over come with joy however at first I was prejudiced and hence didn’t expect the restaurant to have too many dishes and would be up to par. After all, we are living in a foreign country that has a completely different culture. When I went to the Lale-i Rumi, I realized I was wrong about my prejudices.

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Trust me, the moment you enter Lale-i Rumi, you will be beginning your journey toTurkey. Everything is very well designed according to the Turkish tradition. The ambiance is quite good. Everything is in harmony. The food is prepared by talented Turkish chefs. The menu is filled with delicious foods such as  as lahmacun, pide, adana, iskender, ayran, kadayıf etc. I also want to share what one of my friend had to say about the restaurant: “The place feels like any other restaurant in Turkey. When I enter the place, I felt little emotional, actually. I couldn’t understand the reason behind it all but I guess it is because I miss Turkey so much and this place reminds me of my country and those kind and sincere people remind me of my family’s warmth. Trying out foods from different cultures will allow you travel different cities while sitting down for your meal.”

I sincerely recommend you visit Lale-i Rumi, taste the delicious food and enjoy the amazing ambiance.

Written by: Hacer Çapraz

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A Short Trip to the Capital

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Are you ready to go on another trip with me? This time, we will go to a place that you may have visited several times. However, it was the first time for me. It is the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad.

Spending my summer vacation in Pakistan was one the best yet toughest decisions I have ever made. Actually, it was tough because I am fond of winter and cannot stand the summer heat in addition; I had already spent a lot of time away from my family for a year. Nonetheless, I decided to stay, and it was the best decision I had ever made because I had the chance to stay in Islamabad for a week.

I have lived here in Pakistan for 3 years now. During my stay, I have visited Jamshoro, Hyderabad and Lahore hence I wanted to visit a place I had never seen before.  One of my relatives suggested I go to Islamabad. I had heard about what a beautiful place Islamabad is but I never imagined that I would like it so much.

Islamabad is a cleaner and a much more modern city compared to other cities in Pakistan. The city is divided into different regions. The environment is very nicely structured and is free from the commotion of rikhshaws and motorcycles. The roads are also very clean, green and secure. Throughout the city, you will find several places to go on picnics and enjoy activities such as hiking, biking, fishing, etc. I hope someday Karachi also starts to look as clean and green as the capital of Pakistan.

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We started our trip by visiting Shah Faisal Mosque, which is one of world’s largest and most popular Mosques. After offering our prayers, we explored the stunning mountain landscapes and lush roads, where there were countless fresh fruit sellers and friendly monkeys. We then travelled to Murree. There were several houses situated on the hillside of the Murree. All of them had a spectacular view along with a relaxing atmosphere. I visited one of those houses and spoke to the women over there. The people were very kind and hospitable. I also got the chance to capture beautiful photographs. I also had a nice picnic with my relatives. The chairlifts were my favorite part of the trip.  There was a woman sitting next to me in the chairlift. When we stopped midair, she was afraid and continuously kept holding my hand despite not knowing me.

I admit I was also scared when we were on our way to daman-e-koh. The road had a speedy slope but the view of the city was incredible. I enjoyed the icy water at the Shahdara Village. I also visited a museum and was happy to learn more about Pakistani culture. I became ecstatic to find there was also a space dedicated to Turkish culture in the museum.

I will finish my blog post by advising you: If you have enough time to travel with a funny group of friends, don’t travel by plane, take the train instead. You will certainly enjoy your trip a lot more!

Written by: Hacer Çapraz

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The City of Roses

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Have you ever heard about the city of roses? It is a place where I was born and grew up. Today, I will take you to my beautiful homeland.

Isparta is a small city located in Western Turkey. People call this city as “the city of roses” because the people in it produce many things from roses such as rose water, rose tea, ice-cream, shampoos, colognes, jams, lotions, delights, soap, creams etc. The main economic activities of Isparta includes the production of roses and handmade carpets (many years ago, young girls and old women used to weave carpets by hand and sell them, but this is not common anymore). To this day, Isparta has very fruitful lands that grows  many different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Besides this, tourism at both an international and local level is also becoming an important source of revenue for the city.

Isparta is away from the metropolitan cities and does not have problems like traffic, noise pollution and high inflation etc. The city is mostly silent and calm. Most people desire to live in metropolitan cities but all of them wish to spend their holidays and relax in Isparta.  There are several places where you can spend a good holiday with your family such as, Davraz Mountain Winter Sports Center, Egirdir lake, natural parks and several historical mosques and caves etc.

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Like other cities of Turkey,  Isparta also has its own cultural dishes and sweets that people make on Eid and other festivals. Throughout the years, the customs of Isparta have also changed. My grandmother often tells me stories of the past. About 50 years ago, my grandmother was married to my grandfather when she was only 15 years old without even meeting him before. During those days, a girl could not choose her husband and would have to be wed whoever her father chose for her. After the wedding, the girl was to live with her husband’s family in his homeland, no matter how far away it was. Luckily my grandfather was a teacher and used to live nearby my grandmother’s village. At that time, girls were not allowed to frequently visit her family after marriage. They were deprived of basic needs in the village such as electricity, water in the home, hospital etc. Women would have to give birth in their homes and sadly, many women lost their children because of diseases that could have been easily treated with proper medical attention.

However, things have now changed for the better. With the rapid change in technology, We no longer face many difficulties. Isparta is continuously developing and modernizing.  If you ever have the chance to visit the city of Roses, don’t forget to visit my grandmother. She can brighten your day with her never-ending stories.

Written by: Hacer Çapraz

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